Architecture can bridge the disparate notions of building use and natural settings with the skillful and strategic use of building form, materials and details. This project, a water supply pump station in Langley, BC, is located between a manicured suburb and a rambling, forested landscape. The dialogue between building form and setting is the primary goal of this project. This is articulated through the subtle array of a ‘forest of columns’ along the primary west elevation.
The overall massing of the building is reflective of a simple utilitarian structure - it’s form provides broad exposure to the north maximizing the use of indirect lighting. A single sloped, clean roof line does not rely on excessive detail and complexity. Further, the roof design makes possible the potential to connect with the local ecosystem by redirecting rainwater to its South edge, and down into an adjacent vegetated swale for percolation.
Township of Langley
Langley, BC